Letter: No TIC, no bus station, no custodians

Council lost an opportunity to do something positive.Council lost an opportunity to do something positive.
Council lost an opportunity to do something positive.
Scarborough councillors lost an opportunity to do something positive for the residents when they voted to demolish the Futurist theatre.

Whilst other towns and cities proudly boast their achievements and refurbish their theatres our basic needs are not even met.

It seems strange to me that a seaside town the size of Scarborough has no bus station, no Tourist Information Centre and no large proscenium theatre.

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I’ve worked as hard as any councillor for the benefit of Scarborough people for over 40 years.

My coach excursions to theatres, concert halls and places of interest have ensured that my followers haven’t missed out on seeing large productions which would never reach Scarborough.

This in turn gives trade to taxi and coach companies, venues, cafes, restaurants and shops.

I’m jolly glad I’ve done this; if it has been left to Scarborough Borough Council we wouldn’t have seen anything.

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I know from the many expressions of appreciation I receive what pleasure this brings to people.

However, I still love my home town and am sad to see its demise.

Watching on TV news how the Futurist once looked and could look again, it is clear that the borough council have not been good custodians, it should be ashamed that this building has been neglected for so long.

The Futurist is a large undercover area much needed which could be open selectively out of season for a variety of purposes. People enjoy a walk “on the front” all year round - it is one of the joys of living here.

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Judging by the strong feelings of those wanting to retain the theatre there would be no shortage of volunteers to run it and start a friends club.

The Open Air Theatre is only used occasionally so why not the Futurist?

In a few weeks’ time we will all be receiving our council tax bill and a referendum on views could easily have been included with this.

What a pity councillors were so determined to vote on this issue before all the facts had been discussed.

Christine Cox

Scarborough Theatregoers

Rothbury Street
