GB Row Challenge team on target to break record as they pass the Yorkshire Coast

The boat at sunsetThe boat at sunset
The boat at sunset
A team of endurance rowers has passed the Yorkshire Coast and are on target top become the youngest ever team to row non-stop unsupported around the UK.

University students Charles Bromhead, Oliver Dawe-Lane, Harry Lidgely and the Queen's great-nephew Arthur Chatto formed team Exe Endurow and lived together prior to setting out to combat the challenges caused by social distancing.

Their aim is to become the youngest team to ever row non-stop unsupported around the UK in a challenge a challenge that has only ever seen 14 successful finishers.

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They hope to raise as much money as possible for their chosen charities: The British Red Cross, to support the response to COVID-19 and Just One Ocean, a charity committed to protecting our oceans.

Team Exe EnduroTeam Exe Enduro
Team Exe Enduro

They set off from London's Tower Bridge on Sunday July 5 and have persevered through strong winds and tides.

Having circumnavigated around Scotland and some of the most treacherous of UK waters, they are currently rowing off the East coast making their way back to Tower Bridge to complete the challenge.

You can find out more or follow the team on their website: or donate to their Just Giving page at