Why a 20-year-old man was banned from driving by Scarborough magistrates for 14 months

Steven John CockerillSteven John Cockerill
Steven John Cockerill
A 20-year-old man appeared at Scarborough Magistrates Court today (Friday) and was found guilty of failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Steven John Cockerill, of Marton Lane, Pickering, was disqualified from driving for 14 months and ordered to pay a £300 fine, £30 victim surcharge and £620 costs.

On 19 May 2018 Cockerill was driving his car, containing a passenger, along the A170 between Middleton and Pickering, when he crashed into a tree.

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When tested at the roadside, Cockerill failed a breath test. However, due to the injuries sustained in the collision both Cockerill and the passenger were taken to hospital for treatment.

When Roads Policing Officers attended hospital to gain an evidential specimen of breath from Cockerill, he refused and failed to provide a sample.

Speaking about the sentence passed today Traffic Constable Jamie Lord said: “I’m pleased with the sentence that has been passed today. Cockerill could have seriously injured, or worse, killed his passenger or another innocent road user through his irresponsible behaviour.

“Today’s result just proves that if you put other lives in danger and drive under the influence of alcohol and then think you can get away with it by refusing to provide a specimen for analysis – you can’t.

“We will prosecute you for the offence of failing to provide and you will be banned from the road.”